Saturday, December 29, 2007
Relaxing! or Worrying?
Christmas is over and my hubby and I are having a great time of just sitting back, doing a whole lot of nothing, while the boys are home with their families. All though we are sitting on the edge of our seat waiting for the CALL........ Our daughter is due January 11th but the doctor said on Wednesday that she probably will see her in the hospital before her next appointment on the 2nd of January. So we are waiting........ waiting............. wondering.............. maybe a little of worrying......No I didn't just say that, did I? Well tonight, at about 5:00 my daughter wouldn't answer her phone, her husband is at work, and I tried again and again and again but no answer. So I took off with our SUV because there was several inches of snow on the ground and our dead end road still hadn't been plowed to go 4 miles to her house to check on her. She had her phone on silent in the afternoon when she was holding her sleeping, little 19 month old who has ear infection. She forgot to change the ring, so she missed my 10 calls I made to her. She just laughed and her husband told her over the phone that I needed to take a chill pill. Okay mothers out there, would you have done the same thing? Come on I need some help out there. I know God's word says Matthew 6:25 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?" But I truly am human is there any other human out there? Especially a mom. I sure hope Dylan's medicine kicks in for that ear infection before she has to go have his baby brother, because he will be pretty cranky without him mommy for a couple days. I sure hope the weather cooperates when that little guy decides to join us. I.......... oh there I am doing it again. Sorry, I guess I really am human. If you can, please say a little prayer for me while I'm sitting back relaxing doing a whole lot of nothing but thinking about when this little guy is going to join us. Thanks hope you all have a Happy New Year! If I don't come back before the new year to show off our little bundle of joy.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
What would you put in the box?
This little guy just loves to get inside the toy box and play with the toys inside the box, isn't he so cute?
Looking at this picture tonight reminded me of a new tradition I want to try to start this year for Christmas. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Do I give Jesus a birthday present since it is his birthday? We used to make a birthday cake when our children were little, but I think we need to start doing something differently. I am going to wrap up a beautiful box and put it under the tree and before opening up presents we are going to write on a peace of paper what we are going to give Jesus for HIS PRESENT and put them in the box! Then we can go on with our tradition of finding baby Jesus, the Christmas Story and then open presents. Then maybe it will seem more like Jesus' Birthday. What about you do you have any Christmas traditions you would like to share with me? I would love to hear about them.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Old not Young

I've really been feeling like a grandma lately because I've been down flat on my back. When I did get up to walk I was bent over like an old lady or sometime I would even crawl to get from point a to point b. My little 18 month old grandson would just stare at me. He didn't know what to think. I think I'm on the mend after the last three days of being so doped up on muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory pills and pain pills that I wasn't sure where I was. I am going to have to go off the muscle relaxers tomorrow during the day, because I have got to try to get something accomplished. Hopefully I don't overdue it. Just wanted to write a little about how I have been feeling like an old grandma lately not a young one. God put me flat on my back so I remember to look up to Him. I thank Him for bringing me out of another back flare up without surgery.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I am so amazed to watch this little grandson of mine and see that even at his young age he is already struggling with temptation.
He will go to throw his food while sitting in his high chair and we will say no, and he will stop and then act like he is going to throw it again and look at us to see if we will say no again. The sin nature is so very real even in this little 17 month old.
I read a devotion today that really opened up my eyes to the temptations we face daily and our whole goal should be that of "RUN THE OTHER WAY!"
Lord, as I face my daily temptations, help me to run into your arms. Amen!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
It pleases grandma!
Colossians 3:20 "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord." It is so awesome to watch our little grandchildren grow up learning about how to please the Lord.
The other day, Dylan, our little 17 month old grandson sat down at our table in his high chair and folded his hands waiting to pray. This wasn't the first time he did this but it just hit me that day how awesome that he is already learning to obey his parents, and pleasing God at this young age.
He has been throwing little tantrums lately so his mommy and daddy have been sitting him down and holding him down on the floor when he does this and tells him when he is done he can get up. After a couple times of this, one day he was screaming at the top of his lungs and then it was total quiet and he made the sign language sign of all done and started to get up. Is that a smart little guy or what. The joy of grandchildren! It is so much harder to discipline my grandchildren than it was my own children. However, it is so pleasing to know that these grandchildren are being taught to obey their parents, for this pleases the Lord.
It is so fun being able to be a true grandma now, with a couple of the grandchildren close by. This little 17 month old is going to be a little jealous in about 2 to 2 1/2 months because he has a little brother on the way. I can't wait to get to hold that little bundle of joy.
I just pray that you would help me to obey you and live the life you would have me to live. I thank you for being my daddy that never leaves me, always listens to me and is so forgiving when I do mess up. Help me to be an example for my grandchildren, my children, the boys that you have entrusted to us to try to make a difference in their lives, my friends, and people that are watching my every move because of being in ministry. Thank you for being so awesome and letting me get to know some of my grandchildren in a more personal way and thank you for the man you gave me a little more than 25 years ago to make it possible for me to have these grandchildren to hold today. I love you. In Jesus Name, Amen
The other day, Dylan, our little 17 month old grandson sat down at our table in his high chair and folded his hands waiting to pray. This wasn't the first time he did this but it just hit me that day how awesome that he is already learning to obey his parents, and pleasing God at this young age.
He has been throwing little tantrums lately so his mommy and daddy have been sitting him down and holding him down on the floor when he does this and tells him when he is done he can get up. After a couple times of this, one day he was screaming at the top of his lungs and then it was total quiet and he made the sign language sign of all done and started to get up. Is that a smart little guy or what. The joy of grandchildren! It is so much harder to discipline my grandchildren than it was my own children. However, it is so pleasing to know that these grandchildren are being taught to obey their parents, for this pleases the Lord.
It is so fun being able to be a true grandma now, with a couple of the grandchildren close by. This little 17 month old is going to be a little jealous in about 2 to 2 1/2 months because he has a little brother on the way. I can't wait to get to hold that little bundle of joy.
I just pray that you would help me to obey you and live the life you would have me to live. I thank you for being my daddy that never leaves me, always listens to me and is so forgiving when I do mess up. Help me to be an example for my grandchildren, my children, the boys that you have entrusted to us to try to make a difference in their lives, my friends, and people that are watching my every move because of being in ministry. Thank you for being so awesome and letting me get to know some of my grandchildren in a more personal way and thank you for the man you gave me a little more than 25 years ago to make it possible for me to have these grandchildren to hold today. I love you. In Jesus Name, Amen
I'm back after almost 5 months!
I'm going to try this again. Keeping a little journal about the joys of being a Grandma, especially now that I have some of them close (as in 4 miles instead of 1200 miles.) It is awesome!
I'm not going to write a whole lot right now, just wanted to change the look and let you know I'm back after a long time.
Maybe I will get some visitors maybe not.
I'm not going to write a whole lot right now, just wanted to change the look and let you know I'm back after a long time.
Maybe I will get some visitors maybe not.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
There was a huge tornado that hit down about 20 some miles from my home on Friday June 1st, there are several people not able to live in their homes, from this tornado. We are just praising and thanking God that there were only minor injuries. I have never seen anything like this before. Please pray for all the people that were affected from this torando. I am going to be selfish now and especially ask prayer for my neice, her husband and their three children ages 3, 5, and 12, who are one of the several families affected by this. Their home, garage, barn and several trees were completely destroyed. They lost everything! It is so amazing to see what a tornado can do, their belongings are strewn about fields all over about a mile and a half. My neice has been very sick over the last 3 years with a flare up with her Crohn's Disease, in and out of the hospital several times, on highest doses of prednizone possible, & pain meds, they have just found a shot that has finally got her crohn's somewhat in control and the shot cost $1,500.00 a piece and I believe she has to give herself once a week. When she first started getting these shots the insurance would not pay for these, so I'm sure you can see that they have accumulated several medical bills, and now this on top of all their medical bills. My plea of prayer is for one, that the stress this has brought on would not cause her Chrohn's Disease to flare up. Two, that they would find strength from God above, maybe even gain a personal relationship with HIM. Three, that I would be able to be an encouragement for them through this time they are going through. It is so sad to see, all of their personal belongings in heaps and scattered in a mile and a half area, but I'm so thankful that they left their home 10 minutes before this happen, (not even knowing there was a torando warning) because they would not have survived being in their basement. Please remember my neice Jennifer and her family in your prayers. Her little three year old was ask by a reporter, do you know what is going on here. She responded with, "yeah, a big tomato came through and made a big mess of our house." After you look at these pictures you can see the big mess this BIG TOMATO made of their house. Please spread this around so we can have as many prayers as possible. Thank you all for your prayers!

Please ignore dates on the pictures my camera date was messed up!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Photo Hunt ~ Art!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I'm so thankful that we have been able to be around this little guy 5 times in his first year of life, living 1000 miles away, I am thankful for every little time I get, even if it means I have to change dirty pants and take care of a whole houseful of sick people with the flu. It is just so much fun to be able to hold him, rock him to sleep, sing to him, read to him, play with toys with him, take a walk with him, and kiss his little cheeks. We had a rough trip but it was well worth being able to be around him. Just check out these picture and you will see what I mean! Sorry it's been so long, been busy since we've been back!

Don't pay attention to the dates on the pictures, somehow the date got changed on the camera, oops! Didn't have time to crop them all!
Don't pay attention to the dates on the pictures, somehow the date got changed on the camera, oops! Didn't have time to crop them all!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I'm thankful it was DEHYDRATION!
Arrived here in Texas yesturday at noon, my grandson was having quite a few loose stools. My daughter woke up this morning feeling nausiated, we were wondering if she was starting to have morning sickness. She was sick the whole pregnancy with Dylan. The day went on and she was vomitting all day and started to join Dylan with the loose stools, then we were pretty sure it was the stomache flu. Dylan decided to join mommy with the vomitting. We decided a couple hours ago Cassie needed to be checked out, she wasn't keeping anything down, and she was having pain in her back around to her stomache. They put her on an IV and did some blood work, to check her counts for galbladder, pancreas and liver. The bloodwork came back fine other than having a urinary tract infection, and they said she was dehydrated from the stomache flu. We were a little concerned about the baby, because she had a miscarriage before Dylan, so that's why I'm thankful it was DEHYDRATION! She is on her way back home, and will need to be in bed and on a clear liquid diet for tomorrow. So I'm here to take care of my baby when she needs me. Dylan hasn't vomitted for about 7 hours now, and is sleeping peacefully so hopefully he is about over this. Please continue to pray for our visit here in Texas, it has started out pretty crazy. But so thankful we are here to help out!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Off to TEXAS a year later after the birth of our grandson Dylan so we can be there for his ONE YEAR Birthday Bash! Can't believe he is already a year, where does the time go? We just got word the other day that we are going to have another grandbaby to love on. How exciting!Cassie and Scott you are going to have your hands full! Here I say that but Dylan and his baby sister or brother are going to be about 20 months apart; and Cassie and her brother were only 16 months apart, so I guess I got her beat on having her hands full. Well I suppose I should try to get a little sleep, since it is already past 11:00 and I have to get up at 2:30 to get ready to leave for the airport. How am I going to sleep? Too excited! Look at him when he was born a year ago and when I get back or maybe even while I'm there I will post pictures of him now! This picture is my favorite!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
There is heartache in being a mom of a prodigal son!
Happy Mothers Day! To all you mothers out there praying that someday your prodigal will come home I feel for you and I will pray for you. It is hard, wondering when and if your son, will grab hold of what he was taught while growing up under your roof. I love my son, very much, but it's on days like today, that I hurt and wonder why?
I received a mothers day card from my daughter - in - law (my prodigal son's wife) today in the mail and it goes a little like this.
"What "Mother" means to Me
Whenever I hear
the word "mother,"
I hear your cheerful Laughter
in response
to something funny
I share with you....
or your calming, soothing voice
when I need comfort,
Whenever I hear the word "mother,"
I see your birght, sweet smile
and your caring eyes...
I feel the warmth
of your hugs.
Whenever I hear the word "mother,"
I realize how important
it is to have you
in my Life
and how very grateful
I am for the special gift
of your Love.
Happy Mother's Day" HALLMARK
Her own writing say's, "This card truly explains it all. I now know what I was missing by not having a mom, you are so amazing and the best mom anyone could ever ask for. You will always be my mom and NO ONE will ever replace you or compare to you. You guys will always be a part of my life and I love you guys so much. No one will ever love your son as much as I do, please don't forget that when he replaces me. Please promise that you'll always be my mom and never forget me. I love you so much and I will miss you guys more than you'll ever know."
Wow did I cry when I got this card. My son is not thinking right now and he is going to serve this awesome daugter in law of mine, that I have grown to love like my own daughter, divorce papers, after only a year and half. The only thing I can do, is pray that my son will not go through with this, and realize what he is throwing away.
I once again hand this baton of parenting over to my GOD who is in the Miracle Business of healing marriages.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be a mother, not only to my three children, but my in-laws, and the boys you have placed in our home over the last 15 years. Even through the hard times it is a joy to be called MOM.
I will make it through this trial because He will not only take my baton but he will pick me up and carry me in this race. James 1:2-8, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."
I'm believin that He will give me the wisdom, to know how to handle this trial, and He is going to work mightly in the life of my prodigal son.
Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers. God Bless you ALL!
I received a mothers day card from my daughter - in - law (my prodigal son's wife) today in the mail and it goes a little like this.
"What "Mother" means to Me
Whenever I hear
the word "mother,"
I hear your cheerful Laughter
in response
to something funny
I share with you....
or your calming, soothing voice
when I need comfort,
Whenever I hear the word "mother,"
I see your birght, sweet smile
and your caring eyes...
I feel the warmth
of your hugs.
Whenever I hear the word "mother,"
I realize how important
it is to have you
in my Life
and how very grateful
I am for the special gift
of your Love.
Happy Mother's Day" HALLMARK
Her own writing say's, "This card truly explains it all. I now know what I was missing by not having a mom, you are so amazing and the best mom anyone could ever ask for. You will always be my mom and NO ONE will ever replace you or compare to you. You guys will always be a part of my life and I love you guys so much. No one will ever love your son as much as I do, please don't forget that when he replaces me. Please promise that you'll always be my mom and never forget me. I love you so much and I will miss you guys more than you'll ever know."
Wow did I cry when I got this card. My son is not thinking right now and he is going to serve this awesome daugter in law of mine, that I have grown to love like my own daughter, divorce papers, after only a year and half. The only thing I can do, is pray that my son will not go through with this, and realize what he is throwing away.
I once again hand this baton of parenting over to my GOD who is in the Miracle Business of healing marriages.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be a mother, not only to my three children, but my in-laws, and the boys you have placed in our home over the last 15 years. Even through the hard times it is a joy to be called MOM.
I will make it through this trial because He will not only take my baton but he will pick me up and carry me in this race. James 1:2-8, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."
I'm believin that He will give me the wisdom, to know how to handle this trial, and He is going to work mightly in the life of my prodigal son.
Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers. God Bless you ALL!
Photo Hunt ~ Five!

Our family of five several years ago, and then our family of five about 3 years ago before we became a bigger than five family due to those precious Grandchildren!

Visit more photo Hunters at TNChick!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Photo Hunt ~ Childhood!

Want to view more photo hunters visit TNchick
Need a miracle!
We need a miracle tonight for the Miracles Can Happen Boys Ranch. Please go on over to the ranch blog and read this post. We can use all the prayer we can get. Thank you all for your prayers in advance.
Friday, May 4, 2007
There goes the phone in the toilet!

Saturday, April 28, 2007
Photo Hunt ~ Rare!

Visit more photo hunters over at TNChick, while you are visiting the photo hunters don't forget to say a prayer for TNChick!

Friday, April 20, 2007
Photo Hunt ~ Steps

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Helping another boy!
My husband and I are in the process of interviewing parents, getting ready to fill an empty bed in our home for at risk boys. As I sat this afternoon listening and observing a hurting mother, I could not help but think about my own son and me as the hurting mother. Here I am trying to continue on with our job, ministry God has placed us in to help at risk boys and am wishing I could find the heart of my son that use to live with us for 19 years and has been running the wrong race for 4 years now. He was strong-willed yes, but he cared about others, he respected others, he wanted to please us, he had goals, he was a good student, he had his own part in this ministry, he loved God, he loved his family, where are you, son, please come back, I miss you. You see, my son told his wife last Sunday that he was going to serve divorce papers to her this week. They have only been married a year and a half, she called me right away to tell me. I let her talk, I listened to her, I cried with her, for about an hour and a half, she loves him so much. She made the comment that she don't know how she will live with out him. I didn't know what I was going to say to my son when I talked to him. Well he took care of that for awhile, because he called me later that night, and said,"It's my life, I will do what I want, stay out of it, and don't call me back because I won't answer your call." and hung up the phone. I have still not talked to him, however, I have talked to our daughter - in - law everyday, and she is not doing well. My daughter, had her flown to her house, to spend a week with her and is going to try to get her out of a very depressed state. My daughter works at a childrens home in Texas and just so happen to be having a conference while she will be staying with her called "Helping the broken-hearted!" Is that a God thing or what? Our son is not willing to work at this marriage, however, he told us a couple weeks ago that he was miserable, at the time they had decided to seperate for a while. We told him, well she's not there and you are still miserable, because you are running from the Lord, until you get back with the Lord you are going to be miserable. So my point is, please pray for my husband and I as we are having to make a decision which parent to reach out to and help, when we would like to help them all, because now we really feel their hurt from a personal level. I know my God is a Big God and He is going to send someone to reach out to my son, someday he will pick that baton back up that he's handed off to the worldly ways and run to Jesus with his whole heart. Psalm 97:9-12 "For you, O LORD, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods. Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name."
Friday, April 13, 2007
Photo Hunt~ Hobby!

One of my hobbies is painting, I love to paint, and really just started doing it again the last couple years. I haven't really done a whole lot since I was in High School, 25 years ago this May I graduated, so that tells you how long I put this hobby down. Some of you may have already seen this on my site another day, because I was asking your opinion of what to charge for a painting like this 7" x 7" canvas. But I couldn't resist putting this back up since the topic was Hobby for the Photo Hunt this week.
Visit more Photo Hunters @ TNChick
Losers make us Winners!

We had a fitness center in our area put on a biggest loser contest, with 47 participants. These participants were trying to see who was the biggest loser and they lost a total of 899 pounds. Before they started this they were explained that the money they paid to enter and the money they had to give for not reaching goals, was going to go to the #1 winner (loser) to be given to their favorite charity. There was a tie, so the #1 winner and #2 winner had to share the money to give to the charity of their choice. Guess what, we the Miracles Can Happen Boys Ranch, were both of their choices. So because they were the biggest LOSERS we were the biggest WINNERS and recipients of $1,010.00 to help us run the race God has placed us in. Our God is an Awesome God and uses people in very creative ways to help us continue doing His work. 

Monday, April 9, 2007
Play Time and Story Time!
Can't wait to spend another day tomorrow with these precious little ones that God has blessed us with. We will get to see the other two tomorrow too. I think we are going to a pizza play place. Hope you all had a Happy Easter!

Friday, April 6, 2007
Photo Hunt ~ Clean!

Look at these beautiful CLEAN milk cows of ours. We started milking 24 cows in September of 2006, but my husband grew up on a dairy farm all his life milking 135. Our cows stay in the barn so they stay a lot cleaner than running out in the pasture. The boys at the ranch take turns milking these cows, and this has opened up the door for some great one on one talks in the barn. God is even using these cows to minister to the boys we work with. Have a Happy Easter!
Photo Hunt is hosted by TNChick. Go visit other photo hunters and enjoy!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Your Opinion?
My husband and I don't make a whole lot of money, in the ministry we are in and I keep trying to think of ways to use a gift God has given me to make a little extra income. I painted this, 7" x 7" abstract painting for our Pastor and His wife and I was wondering if I could sell different paintings like this. If you were to purchase this painting, what would you be willing to pay for it. Please be honest, I need to see if it is worth it to come up with a bunch of scripture paintings like this. Thanks so much for your opinions.

Saturday, March 31, 2007
Photo Hunt ~ Water

Hosted by TNChick
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Never Stop Praying, Always Believe!

When I started this blog my first writing was Take my baton, JESUS. I really need to focus on that last line right now, as I'm struggling to know what to say to my prodigal son right now. If you could please remember my oldest son in prayer right now as he is running the wrong direction right now in his life. Please pray that he will make a U-turn soon!
I haven't posted for awhile because I just haven't known what to say, then when I did think I knew what to say, I wrote a long post and my computer turned off on it's own. I guess that was God, telling me I didn't
need to write all that. So this is just short and sweet and to the point.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
I want to keep running Lord!

I do want to keep running this race I'm in, but some days just seem like I have to run longer and jump more hurdles than other days. Why, can't this race be easy? Wow, here I am asking why this can't be easy and look at the race you had to run, my race doesn't even compare to the race you ran. Please forgive me to even question, I know I just need to run, keep on keepin on, and finish this race you have placed me in. You told me in your word that the key to this race is to keep my eyes fixed on you, help me to do that, I'm in the wrong lane, and I have knocked down a few hurdles the last couple weeks, dealing with these boys that you entrusted my husband and I with. It just seems ever since we let one of our boys go, due to some choices he made, the other boys are trying to do anything they can to see if we will send them home. That hurts, to think that they really believe we will give up on them that easy. It hurts even more when I realize that I just missed my hurdle and skinned up my knee because, I took my eyes off you. It's so tiring trying to show them that we really do care for them, it has got to be very tiring for you when we as your children ask you why can't this race be easy? I know you love me Jesus, and I know beyond a doubt you have placed me in this race, and I know I want to finish this race, so thank you Jesus for enduring the cross, scorning its shame, and sitting down at the right hand of the throne of God. I'm handing my baton of perseverance over to you right now and I know you are going take that baton and help me not to grow weary and lose heart.
In Jesus name,
I normally post scripture in NIV but I decided to read the scripture I want to post in THE MESSAGE and I thought it was very helpful in my race today.
Hebrews 12:1-3 "Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! " The Message
I do want to keep running this race I'm in, but some days just seem like I have to run longer and jump more hurdles than other days. Why, can't this race be easy? Wow, here I am asking why this can't be easy and look at the race you had to run, my race doesn't even compare to the race you ran. Please forgive me to even question, I know I just need to run, keep on keepin on, and finish this race you have placed me in. You told me in your word that the key to this race is to keep my eyes fixed on you, help me to do that, I'm in the wrong lane, and I have knocked down a few hurdles the last couple weeks, dealing with these boys that you entrusted my husband and I with. It just seems ever since we let one of our boys go, due to some choices he made, the other boys are trying to do anything they can to see if we will send them home. That hurts, to think that they really believe we will give up on them that easy. It hurts even more when I realize that I just missed my hurdle and skinned up my knee because, I took my eyes off you. It's so tiring trying to show them that we really do care for them, it has got to be very tiring for you when we as your children ask you why can't this race be easy? I know you love me Jesus, and I know beyond a doubt you have placed me in this race, and I know I want to finish this race, so thank you Jesus for enduring the cross, scorning its shame, and sitting down at the right hand of the throne of God. I'm handing my baton of perseverance over to you right now and I know you are going take that baton and help me not to grow weary and lose heart.
In Jesus name,
I normally post scripture in NIV but I decided to read the scripture I want to post in THE MESSAGE and I thought it was very helpful in my race today.
Hebrews 12:1-3 "Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! " The Message

Friday, March 16, 2007
I can't believe I did what I just did!

My, husband loves me dearly, but sometimes I really wonder what he thinks when he thinks about our 25th wedding anniversary coming up. Is he thinking, if I wouldn't have married her, maybe I would have played pro football. You see, back in 1982, my hubby was an awesome, running back in football, and several colleges were looking at him. But, instead of going off to college, he stayed back to milk cows for his dad. His dad had just remodeled their milk barn and expanded and was milking 135 cows. Jim felt it was his responsibility to stay back and work for him. Well I forgot to tell you that I think I was a little pull in the decision, too, because we were in love, and we got married in September, right after we graduated in May from highschool. There's times when I watch him while he is watching football, and I can tell he is wondering, could I have made that run. He has been a rams fan since he was a young boy, and guess what? He has never been to a Rams game. I thought last year, for his 24th wedding anniversary I would splurge with money we really didn't have and buy us tickets to go to his FIRST Rams game. (I told him, in the back of my mind I was thinking, I'll take you to a football game you have never been too, for our 24th, and you can take me to a cruise, that I've never been on for our 25th) It was all planned, I bought tickets for the game over thanksgiving weekend, while the boys were home for a long weekend. He was so excited. We were going to go to his family's house for thanksgiving 6 hours from here on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Then we were going to leave there Sunday morning and drive 2 more hours to the St Louis Rams home game. Well the Friday night we were suppose to leave Jim came down sick with the flu. He was finally better Saturday night, so our plan was to get up at 5:30 Sunday Morning and drive 6 hours to the game in St. Louis. Well, for some reason, God didn't want us to go to the St. Louis Rams game because I woke up Sunday morning and couldn't walk, my back was out. So to make a long story short, Our tickets are in frames on my husbands Ram decorated office wall. I felt terrible! Well here's the thing that I can't believe I did what I just did! I just emailed Marshall Faulk, and ask him to come over to our house this summer, to surprise my husband. I told him the whole story! Can you believe I just did that? I found his website and it said email me a question. So I emailed him "can you come over to my house?" I'm sure nothing will ever come of this, but I can't believe I just did that. Can You? By the way this would make my husbands day if he would, so am I wrong in asking you to pray for this to happen if it be God's will. I love my husband dearly and it would be so neat to surprise him with something like this. I actually invited him out for a camp we are putting on this summer, kind of like a boot camp, 20 troubled boys, for a week. We will try to scare them straight! It will be very primitive, we have a campground out in the timber, tent's, outhouse, bag showers. We have Pat Militech, Ultimate Fighter, coming out to do the calistetics every day, they will work on the ranch throughout the day, play some organized football, (I thought maybe Marshall Faulk could toss the football around with them), then we will have worship music around a camp fire and dynamic speakers in the evening, telling their testimonies. We are looking forward to this, it is our first time to try something like this, so we could use the extra prayers. (who knows how many different gangs we might have on our property, that week,) but I do know I belong to the biggest and best gang in the world, the JESUS Gang, so bring them on, let the Jesus Gang break the tough spirits, into new creations.
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