Off to TEXAS a year later after the birth of our grandson Dylan so we can be there for his ONE YEAR Birthday Bash! Can't believe he is already a year, where does the time go? We just got word the other day that we are going to have another grandbaby to love on. How exciting!Cassie and Scott you are going to have your hands full! Here I say that but Dylan and his baby sister or brother are going to be about 20 months apart; and Cassie and her brother were only 16 months apart, so I guess I got her beat on having her hands full. Well I suppose I should try to get a little sleep, since it is already past 11:00 and I have to get up at 2:30 to get ready to leave for the airport. How am I going to sleep? Too excited! Look at him when he was born a year ago and when I get back or maybe even while I'm there I will post pictures of him now! This picture is my favorite!
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Have a Wonderful time!
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