Friday, April 6, 2007

Photo Hunt ~ Clean!

Look at these beautiful CLEAN milk cows of ours. We started milking 24 cows in September of 2006, but my husband grew up on a dairy farm all his life milking 135. Our cows stay in the barn so they stay a lot cleaner than running out in the pasture. The boys at the ranch take turns milking these cows, and this has opened up the door for some great one on one talks in the barn. God is even using these cows to minister to the boys we work with. Have a Happy Easter!

Photo Hunt is hosted by TNChick. Go visit other photo hunters and enjoy!


Unknown said...

They certainly look like clean cows! :-)

Donnetta said...

Just to let you know this gave me a bit of a chuckle this morning.

Wtih the theme of "clean" and the whiter cow following the darker one.... I thought you were going to tell us you scrubbed and scrubbed and got most of the black off.

Sorry.... lame humor. It's just Saturday morning and my brain isn't functioning much yet. :-)

Thanks for the small chuckle anyway!

Unknown said...

what a neat pic for the week..One on one talks are awesome

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are very clean cows indeed! They look very healthy and shiny. :)

Teena in Toronto said...

I've never milked a cow before.

Mine's up too :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Pretty cows!
Do they never get to go outside, at all?
I have a couple of goats, but don't try to wash them, they wouldn't appreciate it :)

Happy Easter!

srp said...

These have to be the cleanest cows I have ever seen... most of my grandpa's were not so clean but they just milked them for the family.

Full Contact, Savior-centric Livin said...

Too cool when God uses cows to spread the gospel!

Arlene said...

Great picture!
I played too :-)

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

They are very clean cows. I like the markings on the top one. Good post.

Andree said...

I LOVE cows! Lucky you!

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...