This is a picture of my youngest son, his senior year in 2005. His baseball team ended the season 42-0. The rare thing, "the sign is made out of styrofoam cups stuck in a chain link fence." Also the rare thing is, not too many teams can go the whole year undefeated. I'm proud of him too, just like I was proud of my hubby last week in the photo hunt!
Visit more photo hunters over at TNChick, while you are visiting the photo hunters don't forget to say a prayer for TNChick!
Wonderful's great to have a family and to be proud of them!
Yes, an undefeated season is very, very rare... especially in baseball! You should be proud as should he!
Thanks for sharing this precious moments. I'm sure everyone is proud of your son's achievements.
What a great accomplishment! Going undefeated is certainly rare!
Great post... rare and a good reason to be proud, though I'm sure you don't need reasons to be proud of your son.
Everyone is invited over to see my "rare" post too. Hope to see you there.
Great picture. I love signs with styrofoam cups :) Cute!
to win and never lose for one whole that is truly rare
That is great - how proud you must be of him!
I love riding by the local highschool (that I actually attended) and see the signs made from cups (though they are usually the plastic ones.)
That's one good looking son! An innovative good looker! It's such a cute post.
Just happened on your site and had to say that you sure look good for being a Grandma!!
You have such a beautiful family!
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