My hubby is the one standing on the #2 step, this was his senior year, we were engaged, and this was his first lost for the whole year. His senior record was 33-1. He wasn't in a very good mood, but he did have an excuse. He hyper - extended his elbow the match before the finals. I was there as a cheerleader, however, I was cheering for his rival school, only 5 miles away. At least he didn't have to wrestle against anybody from my school in the state tournament, because he already beat him out before he got there. It sounds like I'm a little proud of my hubby of almost 25 years, well I am! Now he still uses this God gifted talent rolling around on a wrestling mat in our basement with the boys we work with or to restrain them when needed.

Not many who participate in sports, especially individual sports, ever get to stand on the podium... especially in that position. What a great memory!
Wonderful memory indeed and you should be proud. You have a beautiful family.
Great photo for the theme, Cathy. Too bad he's not on the top step, but second is pretty good for being injured.
Nice shot! Thanks for letting us get to know you!
What a wonderful family
Dont forget to check out the blogging Scavenger Hunt over at Amys Random THoughts! It starts May 1st and prizes and details were just announced. The more how play, the more fun it will be
Ahh, what a sweet picture and memory. Thank you for sharing.
What a great photo! Lovely memories too.
enjoy the weekend.
Awesome photo! :)
What a great memory to go along with it.
Happy Hunting.
what a lovely family you have...that is equivalent to great wealth
That was an impressive record he had, 33-1! Good for him! I bet this picture brings back a lot of memories, both good and bad as I'm sure he was disappointed at not being on the top step but to be at #2 with an injury is still very, very good!
Nice sharing. It's nice too that you recalled all the 'stories' behind this picture. :)
What a great picture for today! I think you right to be proud of him! :)
Very talented, although he doesn't look too happy about that loss. A great memory picture. Happy weekend.
What a beautiful love story. You are so fortunate!
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