Why do I care what others think, because it's not about me, but it's all about Him. It hurts when a troubled boy that we have learned to love living in our home, would want to end it all. Why after all we have tried to do for him, would he want to end it all? Last night, my husband and I sat up all night watching one of our boys, after returning from a home visit, because he voiced that he wanted to end it all. We, talked, sat quietly, listened, cried, and prayed. It hurts to watch a young man, struggling so much, running from God, ignoring all our words God is giving us to share, confused, and scared. The thing that really hurts is when this young man tells us the only reason we are doing this, is to get rich, live in a nice home, and have an easy job. Why does it hurt so much when I hear these words, because believe me, we are not getting rich doing this! Yes, we do live in a lovely home God has blessed us with after living in a single wide trailer house, that was beautifully decorated with rat and mouse droppings, brown polka dots on the ceiling, hanging tiles to give it a rustic look and no running hot water. By the way if this is an easy job, I
definitely don't want a hard job, because I will
definitely throw in the baton. Am I the only one that cares about what others think? I know that it's not right but why does it bother me so? I love these boys like they were my own, but it hurts, when they can't accept our love for them. As I'm writing this, I am in tears, knowing that Jesus has to hurt so much when he looks at our fallen world. He loved us so much that He gave his life for us, and there are so many in this world that won't accept His love.
I hurt because you hurt, for this lost soul, please help me to remember daily in this ministry that it's not about me, but it's all about YOU! You have put me in this race and you will continue to help me pass the baton of faith and perseverance over to you, to help me run this race. Thank you for loving me and choosing me as your faithful servant to serve you in this ministry. I love you!
In Jesus Name, AMEN

Good reminder to me too!
It isn't about me....but somehow I think we all get to living, talking and acting like our lives are all about us!
I'm praying for you, Jim and your boy.
That boy must surely be hurting.
As we also work with teens (not living in our home though) we see so much anger and pain. I often have to remind myself it is not towards me... it is not about me personally. There is so much else going on and I just happen to be the one that cares enough to be in the line of fire to walk with them through it.
Keep loving, keep caring, keep on... I'm praying even now!
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