My, husband loves me dearly, but sometimes I really wonder what he thinks when he thinks about our 25th wedding anniversary coming up. Is he thinking, if I wouldn't have married her, maybe I would have played pro football. You see, back in 1982, my hubby was an awesome, running back in football, and several colleges were looking at him. But, instead of going off to college, he stayed back to milk cows for his dad. His dad had just remodeled their milk barn and expanded and was milking 135 cows. Jim felt it was his responsibility to stay back and work for him. Well I forgot to tell you that I think I was a little pull in the decision, too, because we were in love, and we got married in September, right after we graduated in May from highschool. There's times when I watch him while he is watching football, and I can tell he is wondering, could I have made that run. He has been a rams fan since he was a young boy, and guess what? He has never been to a Rams game. I thought last year, for his 24th wedding anniversary I would splurge with money we really didn't have and buy us tickets to go to his FIRST Rams game. (I told him, in the back of my mind I was thinking, I'll take you to a football game you have never been too, for our 24th, and you can take me to a cruise, that I've never been on for our 25th) It was all planned, I bought tickets for the game over thanksgiving weekend, while the boys were home for a long weekend. He was so excited. We were going to go to his family's house for thanksgiving 6 hours from here on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Then we were going to leave there Sunday morning and drive 2 more hours to the St Louis Rams home game. Well the Friday night we were suppose to leave Jim came down sick with the flu. He was finally better Saturday night, so our plan was to get up at 5:30 Sunday Morning and drive 6 hours to the game in St. Louis. Well, for some reason, God didn't want us to go to the St. Louis Rams game because I woke up Sunday morning and couldn't walk, my back was out. So to make a long story short, Our tickets are in frames on my husbands Ram decorated office wall. I felt terrible! Well here's the thing that I can't believe I did what I just did! I just emailed Marshall Faulk, and ask him to come over to our house this summer, to surprise my husband. I told him the whole story! Can you believe I just did that? I found his website and it said email me a question. So I emailed him "can you come over to my house?" I'm sure nothing will ever come of this, but I can't believe I just did that. Can You? By the way this would make my husbands day if he would, so am I wrong in asking you to pray for this to happen if it be God's will. I love my husband dearly and it would be so neat to surprise him with something like this. I actually invited him out for a camp we are putting on this summer, kind of like a boot camp, 20 troubled boys, for a week. We will try to scare them straight! It will be very primitive, we have a campground out in the timber, tent's, outhouse, bag showers. We have Pat Militech, Ultimate Fighter, coming out to do the calistetics every day, they will work on the ranch throughout the day, play some organized football, (I thought maybe Marshall Faulk could toss the football around with them), then we will have worship music around a camp fire and dynamic speakers in the evening, telling their testimonies. We are looking forward to this, it is our first time to try something like this, so we could use the extra prayers. (who knows how many different gangs we might have on our property, that week,) but I do know I belong to the biggest and best gang in the world, the JESUS Gang, so bring them on, let the Jesus Gang break the tough spirits, into new creations.