Saturday, March 31, 2007

Photo Hunt ~ Water

This is a picture of my oldest son and my oldest Biological Grandson. I can count on one hand the number of times I have gotten to see him. I look at this picture and remember how much fun it seemed my son was having with his son on this day. I wonder today why he doesn't take the time to spend more time with him. I always thought he would be a great daddy, but my heart breaks today because his mom told me just the other day that the last time he had him was when my husband and I were down there 6 weeks ago. I don't understand, how can a daddy not miss his own child. I could see there are some situations where they live too far away but my son lives in the same town. Why?

Hosted by TNChick

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Never Stop Praying, Always Believe!

When I started this blog my first writing was Take my baton, JESUS. I really need to focus on that last line right now, as I'm struggling to know what to say to my prodigal son right now. If you could please remember my oldest son in prayer right now as he is running the wrong direction right now in his life. Please pray that he will make a U-turn soon!
I haven't posted for awhile because I just haven't known what to say, then when I did think I knew what to say, I wrote a long post and my computer turned off on it's own. I guess that was God, telling me I didn't
need to write all that. So this is just short and sweet and to the point.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I want to keep running Lord!


I do want to keep running this race I'm in, but some days just seem like I have to run longer and jump more hurdles than other days. Why, can't this race be easy? Wow, here I am asking why this can't be easy and look at the race you had to run, my race doesn't even compare to the race you ran. Please forgive me to even question, I know I just need to run, keep on keepin on, and finish this race you have placed me in. You told me in your word that the key to this race is to keep my eyes fixed on you, help me to do that, I'm in the wrong lane, and I have knocked down a few hurdles the last couple weeks, dealing with these boys that you entrusted my husband and I with. It just seems ever since we let one of our boys go, due to some choices he made, the other boys are trying to do anything they can to see if we will send them home. That hurts, to think that they really believe we will give up on them that easy. It hurts even more when I realize that I just missed my hurdle and skinned up my knee because, I took my eyes off you. It's so tiring trying to show them that we really do care for them, it has got to be very tiring for you when we as your children ask you why can't this race be easy? I know you love me Jesus, and I know beyond a doubt you have placed me in this race, and I know I want to finish this race, so thank you Jesus for enduring the cross, scorning its shame, and sitting down at the right hand of the throne of God. I'm handing my baton of perseverance over to you right now and I know you are going take that baton and help me not to grow weary and lose heart.

In Jesus name,

I normally post scripture in NIV but I decided to read the scripture I want to post in THE MESSAGE and I thought it was very helpful in my race today.

Hebrews 12:1-3 "Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! " The Message

Friday, March 16, 2007

I can't believe I did what I just did!

My, husband loves me dearly, but sometimes I really wonder what he thinks when he thinks about our 25th wedding anniversary coming up. Is he thinking, if I wouldn't have married her, maybe I would have played pro football. You see, back in 1982, my hubby was an awesome, running back in football, and several colleges were looking at him. But, instead of going off to college, he stayed back to milk cows for his dad. His dad had just remodeled their milk barn and expanded and was milking 135 cows. Jim felt it was his responsibility to stay back and work for him. Well I forgot to tell you that I think I was a little pull in the decision, too, because we were in love, and we got married in September, right after we graduated in May from highschool. There's times when I watch him while he is watching football, and I can tell he is wondering, could I have made that run. He has been a rams fan since he was a young boy, and guess what? He has never been to a Rams game. I thought last year, for his 24th wedding anniversary I would splurge with money we really didn't have and buy us tickets to go to his FIRST Rams game. (I told him, in the back of my mind I was thinking, I'll take you to a football game you have never been too, for our 24th, and you can take me to a cruise, that I've never been on for our 25th) It was all planned, I bought tickets for the game over thanksgiving weekend, while the boys were home for a long weekend. He was so excited. We were going to go to his family's house for thanksgiving 6 hours from here on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Then we were going to leave there Sunday morning and drive 2 more hours to the St Louis Rams home game. Well the Friday night we were suppose to leave Jim came down sick with the flu. He was finally better Saturday night, so our plan was to get up at 5:30 Sunday Morning and drive 6 hours to the game in St. Louis. Well, for some reason, God didn't want us to go to the St. Louis Rams game because I woke up Sunday morning and couldn't walk, my back was out. So to make a long story short, Our tickets are in frames on my husbands Ram decorated office wall. I felt terrible! Well here's the thing that I can't believe I did what I just did! I just emailed Marshall Faulk, and ask him to come over to our house this summer, to surprise my husband. I told him the whole story! Can you believe I just did that? I found his website and it said email me a question. So I emailed him "can you come over to my house?" I'm sure nothing will ever come of this, but I can't believe I just did that. Can You? By the way this would make my husbands day if he would, so am I wrong in asking you to pray for this to happen if it be God's will. I love my husband dearly and it would be so neat to surprise him with something like this. I actually invited him out for a camp we are putting on this summer, kind of like a boot camp, 20 troubled boys, for a week. We will try to scare them straight! It will be very primitive, we have a campground out in the timber, tent's, outhouse, bag showers. We have Pat Militech, Ultimate Fighter, coming out to do the calistetics every day, they will work on the ranch throughout the day, play some organized football, (I thought maybe Marshall Faulk could toss the football around with them), then we will have worship music around a camp fire and dynamic speakers in the evening, telling their testimonies. We are looking forward to this, it is our first time to try something like this, so we could use the extra prayers. (who knows how many different gangs we might have on our property, that week,) but I do know I belong to the biggest and best gang in the world, the JESUS Gang, so bring them on, let the Jesus Gang break the tough spirits, into new creations.

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's not about me, but all about Him!

Why do I care what others think, because it's not about me, but it's all about Him. It hurts when a troubled boy that we have learned to love living in our home, would want to end it all. Why after all we have tried to do for him, would he want to end it all? Last night, my husband and I sat up all night watching one of our boys, after returning from a home visit, because he voiced that he wanted to end it all. We, talked, sat quietly, listened, cried, and prayed. It hurts to watch a young man, struggling so much, running from God, ignoring all our words God is giving us to share, confused, and scared. The thing that really hurts is when this young man tells us the only reason we are doing this, is to get rich, live in a nice home, and have an easy job. Why does it hurt so much when I hear these words, because believe me, we are not getting rich doing this! Yes, we do live in a lovely home God has blessed us with after living in a single wide trailer house, that was beautifully decorated with rat and mouse droppings, brown polka dots on the ceiling, hanging tiles to give it a rustic look and no running hot water. By the way if this is an easy job, I definitely don't want a hard job, because I will definitely throw in the baton. Am I the only one that cares about what others think? I know that it's not right but why does it bother me so? I love these boys like they were my own, but it hurts, when they can't accept our love for them. As I'm writing this, I am in tears, knowing that Jesus has to hurt so much when he looks at our fallen world. He loved us so much that He gave his life for us, and there are so many in this world that won't accept His love.

I hurt because you hurt, for this lost soul, please help me to remember daily in this ministry that it's not about me, but it's all about YOU! You have put me in this race and you will continue to help me pass the baton of faith and perseverance over to you, to help me run this race. Thank you for loving me and choosing me as your faithful servant to serve you in this ministry. I love you!

In Jesus Name, AMEN

Friday, March 9, 2007

Photo Hunt ~ Architecture

hosted by TNChick

This barn and house was built with hands of troubled boys, my husband and I, our children, and volunteer help. When we look at these buildings we are amazed at God and what he can provide. The boys that live with us, come to the ranch, with very destructive hands. It is music to our ears when we hear one of the boys while giving a tour, I built this wall over here. They are so proud of what they have acomplished and begin to feel like they are being successful.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Come on in! I'm having an Open Blog!

It's time for the big blog party, and I am looking forward to meeting some new blog friends. I don't know how many will find my blog, but if you have found it please feel free to come on into my blog of parenting, grandparenting, and ministry. I could probably write a lot more about my life and ministry but I just can't find the time somedays.

Please feel welcome and be snoopy and go into different post and try to get to know me a little.
I'm hoping to find time to visit some new sites this week. It is so encouraging to stumble along somebody's blog that is going through the same type of trial I may be going through, and read how they have jumped their hurdle or handed their baton over to Jesus, in their race of life. I continue to hand my baton over to Jesus, in my life of parenting, grandparenting and ministry. I pray that God will give me the strength to continue running in the race he has placed me in and that I may be able to encourage maybe one person, through this blog.

I want to thank 5 minutes for mom for hosting this big blog party and if you are interested in joining the party, just click on the button on my sidebar and it will take you to all the information needed. They are even giving away prizes if you join the party, so come join the fun.

Please leave a comment if you stop by, and take a cup of French Vanilla Coffee with you as you go onto the next party.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Photo Hunters ~ Salty

hosted by TNChick

Mark 9:50 "Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.”

These salty tears were seasoning to this Grandma that wants to fly 1000 miles everytime I look at this picture. I just want to pick him up and cuddle him.

Help each of us this week to have the qualities of salt that we might live in peace with each other.

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...