I'm so thankful for the asthma medicine to give me relief when having an asthma flare up, but I'm most thankful for my GOD, who has given me that breath in the first place, and my GOD who uses these flare up's to get me to slow down and really listen to him. HE is my strength when mine is gone, HE tells me DO NOT BE AFRAID! Peace, Be strong now, be strong!
Daniel 10:17 & 18 "How can I, your servant, talk with you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe.” Again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength. “Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.”
Maybe it's not asthma you are dealing with, but maybe something very stressful in your life and you just feel like your walls are closing in on you. Guess what HE is there for you, just BREATHE and listen to HIM! Are you Desperate for HIM? He wants your undivided attention so HE can HOLD you and tell you DO NOT BE AFRAID! Peace, Be Strong Now, be Strong!
Love this song by Michael W. Smith Hope this touches you tonight! Remember, He loves you, and HE will help you BREATHE if you only let him!
Sitting back, resting, and listening to what HE has to say to me while in this flare up but thankful for him cheering me on while I continue this RACE called life!
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