For each day he carries us in his arms. Our God is a God who saves!"
I think my hubby has BIG arms, and I feel so special when he holds me in them and wraps them around me. He has held me several times in our 32 years of marriage, while listening to me laugh, cry, scream, be silent, or even argue. He has even carried me a few times with those BIG arms of his. I remember the day he carried me into a rat infested trailer house that was the beginning of Miracles Can Happen Boys Ranch and told me 'this is your new home!' I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with him. But even though he has BIG arms and he is my ROCK at times I still need God's BIGGER arms to hold me or carry me. When I look at the cross I think of HIM holding out his arms and waiting for me to run to him. This race of life can be tiring. discouraging. frustrating. humiliating. gut wrenching. heartbreaking. and just plain overwhelming. BUT GOD is running right beside me holding my hand, in front of me waiting for the baton and at the finish line with his arms open wide! I praise HIM and thank HIM for saving me so I can experience those BIGGER arms!
Aren't you glad that he carries you in his arms? I don't know that I could do this thing called life, if I didn't know that I had his arms to rest in!
As I go to sleep tonight, I'm going to think about him carrying me through another day tomorrow.
Resting in HIS arms while,

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