Friday, December 15, 2006

Deck the Walls!

Merry Christmas, come on in and have a tour of my home, actually it's not my home it's God's, because he provided if for my husband and I back in 1996, when we moved into this log cabin, with no doors, no windows, and we even hung our clothes from the rafters. We were able to finish it in 1998 and it was completely paid for, only by the grace of God! You see my husband and I are founders and program directors of a non - profit boys ranch for at - risk boys and we said we would only expand when money came in, so we would not ever borrow money. I had to give you a little background before I take you on the tour, because of some of the things you will see. So here we go hope you enjoy, would you like a cup of french vanilla coffee? The first treasure we stop to see is kind of wierd. Years ago, I read about a christmas tradition I wanted to start with our three children and we didn't have a whole lot of money so I bought this little baby Jesus at the dollar store, and I agree it is ugly, but what we do with this baby Jesus is hide it early Christmas morning then before the Christmas story is read the kids have to find Baby Jesus. Then we read the story.... then they get to open up presents!

It is a fun tradition!

See what I mean by a little wierd?

Now let me take you to the beautiful tree that our 4 at - risk boys decorated after I read them One Incredible Moment by Max Lucado. We cranked the tunes up and listened to Mercy Me Christmas CD and had a lot of fun. Then we had hot chocolate together. One of the boys shared with me that one christmas his dad didn't put up a tree so he drew one on paper, cut it out and put it on the wall. Did that make me feel guilty as we were putting up this beautiful tree!

Now let's take a look at this wooden set of trees that the boys made this christmas, they made 30 of them, cut them out, and painted them. We gave them away as gifts to a volunteer group, who comes out to the ranch once a month. Aren't they just so cute?

They really look nice in a log cabin!

You're probably wondering why, did she name this deck the walls, well here it is. My husband doesn't like it too much when I have the boys decorate his pride and joy, but he loves me so he let's me do it, anyway. They usually have red noses on, but I keep forgetting to pick two up at the dollar store when I'm out and about, maybe next year they can be rudolph again.

My daughter and I about 9 years ago took old christmas cards that I had been saving for a couple years and made this collage to cover a deer mural, and we also made a back groud for the fish tank. Enjoy!

I have some more things I want to show you in my home, but I'm running out of time. I hate to be a rude hostess and all but my daughter, son-in-law, 7 month old grandson and my son are coming home Monday from Texas, they all work at a children's home there for girls and boys. So I will walk you through the rest of the house without saying a whole lot. Sorry to be so rude, but hey I have to get all my wrapping done, so I can just sit and hold that grandbaby. I can't wait! Have a Merry Christmas and remember Jesus is the Reason why we celebrate this time of year. Thanks Boomama for setting up this Christmas Tour of Homes, it was great fun to share with everyone. Hope you all enjoyed.


delilah said...

You have a beautiful home. I love that you made a home for the at risk boys. We used to have a similar job. Have a Very Merry Christmas.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

You have a very beautiful home. I love the decorated deer heads! Your table setting is very pretty. Thanks for the tour and have a blessed Christmas!

gail@more than a song said...

Your home looks wonderful! Those wooden trees are so cute. One of my friends has deer heads in her den and they decorate them with beads and things at Christmas, cute!
Thanks for the tour, Merry Christmas!

Anniesue said...

I can't imagine anything feeling warmer and more Christmaslike than a log cabin! Just lovely! Merry Christmas!

Maggii said...

I tried adding the Tradition of finding baby Jesus one year...but I then forgot where I hid him, and the kids couldn't find him...LOL...a few months later..I was cleaning out the bookcase and found him....since it wasn't Christmas time...I stashed him in a cabinet( one of those "I'll put him here, for now" deals)....and then at Christmas, again, I could not remember where I'd stashed him...and yes I am a completley disorganized woman...LOL.....

Donnetta said...

I don't think that "Jesus is in a manger" is weird at all. It has a memory attached to it that will treausre forever... and should!

The home is lovely. I love the rustic feel of your home! So warm and inviting!!

Thanks for sharing with us even though you are so busy. And thanks for your ministry to those boys!!

robin said...

Cool Pics Cathy!!!

For all of Cathy's blogoshere friends....I've been in Jim and
Cathy's home and it is very cool! Or should I say....warm! It is so beautiful, comfortable and you just feel special when you are there!

"Once Upon a Mom's Life"

Anonymous said...

Hello...Thank you for sharing your home with us. Everything looks cozy and festive.

I'm a grandmother to three boys and a girl myself! Isn't it wonderful to be a grandparent? :)

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Susanne said...

Lovely home and your tree is absolutely beautiful. The cards through the fish tank made me smile!

Anonymous said...

I love the deer, & especially the colors on your tree, it is gorgeous. Thanks for the inspiration. My parents did the same thing when we built out house about not borrowing money & even though it took 10 years to get everything totally finished it sure paid off.

Kelli said...

Your home is warm and inviting and what a beautiful Christmas tree! Thank you for having us over!

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...