Friday, December 29, 2006

I will always be a mom but now I'm a Grandma!

At times lately I've felt like my job is done being a mom because my children no longer live in my home. Not quite a year ago, God was telling me to meet with this women weekly for an accountability partner, but I kept putting it off. I didn't understand why he would want me to meet with her because she has 4 little children still at home and my children are all raised. Why God, I need someone else to help me through this time in my life. Wow, does that sound selfish or what? It's all about Him, not about me! I am human. Anyway all along I'm wondering Lord, am I really being a mentor to her like I should be, because I haven't had my study done on several occasions. We are trying to do a Beth Moore bible study online together and I just keep putting it off. Like I said before I'm human. Sorry, Robin, I wouldn't blame you if you found someone else as your accountability partner and friend.

There's been several times I have left after being with her and thought man did I mess that time up Lord, I'm sorry I didn't even make sure we took time to pray before we ran out of time. Well guess what she gave me this great Christmas present and it is an awesome prayer journal called "The Busy Grandma's Guide to prayer" by Lisa Whelchel & Gentry Coleman and this has helped me realize that I'm not done being a mom because my children still need me to cover them in prayer as they raise their own children, my grandchildren! First I pray for myself, in this journal, then my adult children, then my grandchildren, then my grandchildren's future, then my grandchildren's character, then the children of the world. It is amazing how I'm still needed in my adult children's life.

She also wrote me a letter and stuck it inside the book, one thing that stuck out to me was this little part right here. Robin, I hope you aren't mad that I'm sharing online with everyone. "God knew I needed somebody to laugh with and cry with - and laugh till I cry with - and He sent me You!" Does God know what he is doing, of course, she needed me and I needed her, and I'm very greatful for my accountability partner, she has taught me I will always be a mom but now I'M A GRANDMA! Now she just needs to help me pray that maybe some day I can be a close by grandma instead of a long distance grandma. I have 3 grandchildren 500 miles away and 1 grandchild 1000 miles away. By the way Robin why weren't you here crying with me when I kissed Dylan goodbye. (He's the 7 month old that lives 1000 miles away from me.) I needed you big time that day! Just kidding, my sweet hubby held me that day, I think he was crying a few too, but he wouldn't let me see them.

1 comment:

robin said...

Are you seriously mad at me that I wasn't there when your kids left?

Honestly...I was sure I was a 3rd wheel when I was there the first day they were there.

Now....I'm putting on my mommy voice here and I'm telling you......"don't ever say that I should go find somebody else for a friend....God knows what I need in a friend and you are that person. Don't you try to tell God that you aren't that person"

I'm not very good with the mommy voice, am I? You are probably laughing at me right now!

Happy New Year My Friend! I count you as on of my greatest blessings! I'm glad you liked your gift! I figured if you were gonna mention anything that I wrote...that it would be the note I wrote you on the inside cover!

See you soon!

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...