I've been laying in the dark quite a bit this last week due to bad migraines. I tried to read when they weren't real bad. I'm so thankful for HIS light that kept coming through my darkness. It seemed that He would give me exactly what I needed to read, when I needed it. Here is what he gave me to keep my lamp burning.
1. Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~ He is in the tomorrows. It is tomorrow that fills men with dread. God is there already. All the tomorrows of our life have to pass HIm before they can get to us. ~ rev. f.b. meyer, Streams in the Desert
2. Like a loving Father, God offers us a hand to hold in life's darkest hours. He'll carry us through the darkness, and lead us where we need to go.
The things I was worrying about was the fact that about 20 years ago when my migraines started I had 2 weeks of really bad migraines and then the migraines were gone and I woke up and had no strength in my legs. I ended up in a wheel chair for a couple weeks.
When I read these two things I felt God with HIS mighty BIG hands that have held me so many times in life reach down and say I've got this...don't worry about another headache tomorrow, I will hold you then too.
I'm so thankful that my lamp is still burning and that my God turns my darkness into light.
When I have a migraine I don't want any light in my room accept HIM. I am blessed to know him and see his light even in the dark times!
What about you? Do you worry about tomorrow? Do you wonder how you are going to get this done or that? Do you wonder am I going to die from some disease? I'm sure we all have at sometime or another worried about something. That is when we start to dread tomorrow. Try to choose JOY and know that God is already in the tomorrow's and HE's got it in his hands. The next time when your lamp seems to be going dim, reach up and take God's hand that he is offering YOU. Believe me you will not regret it because you will see HIS beautiful light!

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