Monday, April 24, 2017

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007 and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly basis.  I decided this weekend that I was going to start writing in my blog every monday morning and I woke up at 7:00 to get going so I could take the time to do that.  I was sitting there drinking my coffee and all of the sudden had a terrible headache come on.  I feel the enemy was trying to distract me from writing and trying to steal my joy of sharing my heart.  

So even though I still have the bugs 10 years later on my bathroom floor because God chose not to move that mountain I'm going to continue to climb that thang.  I'm not going to let the enemy distract me or try to steal my joy today with this headache.  

Being in full time ministry for 27 years there have been several times the enemy has tried to steal my joy.  But I know who the winner is in the end and I'm not going to give up climbing that mountain no matter how big it seems some days.

What mountain are you climbing right now?  Maybe it's just a small hill or maybe it's the biggest mountain you have ever seen.  My husband, Jim, always says just Hebrews 12:2it. I know there is no such verse as 12:2it, but that is My JIM.  He is just an ordinary man that God has used to touch several lives in his own way.  Hebrews 12:2 says "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."  Don't fix your eyes on that small hill or that big mountain, fix your eyes on Jesus and just glance at the hill or mountain.  If you Hebrews 12:2it, I'm positive, He will wrap HIS arms around you and carry you up that mountain one step at a time.  

I hope that you can take my writing today and use it somehow to help you find JOY in your journey. We all have our own journey but if we let God direct our step in our journey it's so much easier to walk through it.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

BE the Beauty among the Ruins!

Acts 20:24 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."

I like to take something that looks ruined and turn it into something beautiful. I look at it and wonder what can I do to make this beautiful.  It's probably exactly the way God looked at us before we became his son or daughter.  We were ruined, a mess, and He wanted to make us beautiful.  Why do we deserve that?  I don't know about you but I don't deserve His Grace, (God's Riches At Christs' Expense.)  However, I aim to finish the race of testifying the good news of His Grace. 

Are you thankful for His grace?  He is so forgiving.  There have been things that Jim has wanted to throw away, and I say no I can paint that or do something with that.  Sometimes he listens and sometimes he says you have enough stuff and will throw it away.  I totally agree with his comment but I'm so glad that God is not like that.  He will never throw us away no matter how much "stuff" we have in our life.   But we have to be willing to go through the rough times.  Kind of like I have to rough up a piece of furniture a little before I begin the project.  Then we have to be willing to be patient as we wait for an answer from Him.  Just like I have to be patient for a coat of paint to dry before I put a second coat on.  If we are willing to go through the steps of letting God take our ruins and turn them into beauty then HIS Glory will be shone.  Allowing us to be a light in a very dark world.  Our world today has to make him sad of how ruined it is, but probably not because I'm sure He focus' on the beauty of HIS children trying to make a difference in this messed up world.

How are you trying to make a difference today?  Maybe there is someone at work who just needs a listening ear?  Maybe a hug.  Is there someone in your life who is hard to love?  They need you to be the beauty of their ruined, messed up life.  Even if it's rough. Love them even when they're ugly.  Be patient.  Don't give up.  You never know loving on them may turn their ruins into beauty.  It's all about finishing the race even when you're tired.   

When I get done with a project I step back and get a smile on my face and feel good about it.  I'm sure if you would "be the beauty among the ruins" God would step back with a smile on his face and say "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

Matthew 25:23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!"

Monday, February 27, 2017

"HE Loves YOU!"

Love: an intense feeling of deep affection.

I remember as a kid picking up a flower and wondering if this boy that I had a crush on loves me. I would pick the petals off and throw them down on the ground one at a time saying He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me, He loves me not....who else remembers doing this as a kid?

I am a woman and my emotions get in the way sometime. I often wonder does my husband love me? 1 John 3:18 "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

I know that my husband loves me,  he tells me all the time.  But do I still question sometimes if he really loves me?  Yes, I'm a woman. But then God reminds me of all that he does for me and then I'm like why do I even question his love for me?  He shows me that he loves me unconditionally even when I'm UGLY.  He is an amazing husband so why do I so easily throw him down like the petal and wonder does he love me?  Because I'm human and I didn't feel loved as a young girl so the enemy tends to let that feeling sneak up on me. When I realize this is what is happening I can throw those feelings down quickly, just like throwing that petal down.  However, I will be honest there are times that I hold onto that flower and don't throw the petals down because I'm scared that he "loves me not".  Then I realize after sometime, that is exactly what the enemy wants me to do.  He wants me to believe that lie.  He wants me to hold onto that flower and not let go of the fear of wondering "am I loved?"  
God is a BIG God and HE LOVES ME even more than my husband does.   He gave up his son's life so that I may have eternal life, now that's showing love with actions and in truth. Why do I still ask the question sometimes does HE(God) love me?  Because I'm human.  I know that HE loves me unconditionally even when I'm UGLY.  I'm so thankful for HIS LOVE and I want to share that love with other people.  

Does HE love you?  Yes HE does.  The most important questions are Do you know HIM and does HE know you?  He wants to know you in a personal way, so take the time daily to get to know him by reading his word.  He loves you and HE wants to know you!

Please, let me know if there is anything I can pray for.  I want to be able to pray specifically for any need you might have.  

Don't ever forget that HE LOVES YOU whether the "petal" told you that or not.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"Be Still"

I have decided "Be Still" are my words this year to focus on.  When I think of "Be Still" I think of some other words like Calm, Peace, and Rest.  

Calm :   not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions

Peace  :  freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.

Rest  :  cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.

I have had "Be Still" jump out at me so many times this year.  I thought last year was the waiting year, because my husband and I made a pretty big change in the ministry that we have been a part of for the last 25 years. It hasn't been easy to make that change because change is not easy.  However, I think God is telling me different by the way these words just keep appearing before me.  So I decided I needed to take the time to write something up.  

When I'm really discouraged I feel like the life is just sucked out of me.  I feel like I don't know what to do to make things better.  I feel like I'm not important any more and I'm not making a difference.  Then God sends me someone, something, or a scripture that tells me that is not true.  He is such a Big God and you and I can't ever forget that.  

I realized today while writing this that if we just "BE STILL" and focus on these words:  Calm, Peace and Rest.  He can do CPR on us and bring us back to life with a new breathe.  He is our spiritual doctor who can do CPR on our spiritual heart if we just "BE STILL."  Don't try to rush through whatever you are going through just to get through it.  He wants you to be refined like gold.  So "BE STILL" and ask him what it is you are suppose to learn.  

I'm so thankful that I have had him this last year in this transition to just fall back in his arms and "Be Still."  I will continue to pray to him asking him to carry me through this huge change in our lives and trust that He's got this.  Will I still get discouraged and feel like the life is sucked out of me?  Of Course, but I will just ask him to do CPR on me and give me new breathe.  

What about you?  Are you trying to rush through something that is hard because you don't want to deal with it?  My words to you are "BE STILL".  He knows you, He hears you, He hurts with you but most importantly HE LOVES YOU!  He wants to refine you like gold.  He wants you to "BE STILL."

I Peter 1:6-8   "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy"

Psalm 46:10 "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;  I will be exalted among the nations,  I will be exalted in the earth.”


Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...