II Corinthians 4:13 "It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken. With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak,"
I just got done listening to one of my online lessons with Beth Moore "Believing God", she told me to tell that mountain to move and if God doesn't move that mountain, climb that thang! My mountain right now are these bugs on my bathroom floor everyday! I just swept my floor about 4 hours before I took this picture. Why can't my bugs look pretty like the other bugs in the picture above? I was sitting on my toilet today looking at my daily bugs, and thinking that is just like the enemy to rob me of my joy, I just swept the floor and there are the bugs again. So figure it up if I had 6 bugs on my floor after 4 hours, if I only swept my floor once a week I would have 252 bugs on my bathroom floor. I'm so sick of these bugs! Just like I'm so sick of the enemy robbing me of my joy and trying to send other bugs in my life, to keep me focusing on the bugs instead of focusing on the beauty of the one that created the bugs. I'm going to tell that mountain to move and if it doesn't move, because it might be stubborn like me, then I'm gonna climb that thang! I believe those bugs are going to leave! Thank you Jesus for loving me, even when I'm kind of pesky like the bugs in my life right now! Thank you for forgiving me when I let you down, and thank you for using people in my life to teach me. I love you Jesus!
1 comment:
I have to say I love the post of anyone who told us they had a revelation "sitting on the toilet" - that's my kind of REAL! That you see the lesson God's giving you in pesty bugs tells me I'll love coming back here to see what you have to share. xoxoox
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