Thursday, October 24, 2013


Last week I shared about God's perfect love.  HE got us through a situation that my husband and I could not comprehend.  We made it through and He continues to show us he is in this situation.  Our son has been out of prison, and speaking all over about CHOICES, C.hoosing O.ver I. C.hanges E.very S.ituation.  We are very proud of him for the lives that he has touched both inside those walls and out here.

The other day  I received a call from a stranger and she asked if she could stop by and see me so she could give me a hug.  She had met my son, his wife and mother-in-law last weekend and she just wanted to come visit with me.  She stopped in after driving a couple hours and sat in my living room, listening, sharing and connecting.  It seemed like we had known each other for quite sometime.  I don't know what God has in store for the future but to me this was HIM showing me once again how priceless his unfailing love is!  She brought me a beautiful necklace, a book "More Joy for the journey", cookies, and some lavender essential oils.  Isn't she sweet?  In the first page of the book it says:  "Living in complete joy requires living in complete confidence in God." ~Dee Brestin~ There is that word confidence!  Wow, do you see why I'm saying not sure where God is going to go with this, but HE is definitely wanting to keep me experiencing HIS PERFECT and PRICELESS love.  I know now that HE is going to give me the confidence to go out and share with women of all ages about running the race with perseverance. 

I am so thankful that in a very dark time in my life I could take refuge in the shadow of HIS wings. 

Psalm 36:7 "How Priceless is your unfailing love, O God!  People take refuge in the shadow of your wings."

What about you have you experienced HIS priceless unfailing love this week?  Have you been able to take refuge in the shadow of HIS wings?  If you haven't, HE is waiting with HIS ARMS (wings) wide open waiting for you to run to him and feel his unfailing love!

I also wrote about taking refuge in HIS wings this week over at MIRACLES DO HAPPEN blog also.  Stop on over there and read about the ministry my husband and I have been in for the last 21 years.

Experiencing HIS priceless love and still,


Sandi Brewer said...

Cathy--I'm so glad I happened upon your blog today. It really encouraged me as a Mom and as a daughter of Jesus. Thank you for sharing your story of faith.
~~Sandi Brewer OBS Small Group Leader

Unknown said...

Cathy, I enjoyed reading your blog and I especially liked the CHOICES-I am going to remember that one! Have a blessed evening!

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...