wanted to hold his little brother right away but when we put him in his arms it was 30 seconds and he was ready to get down. Then it was please..... baby...... back up on the chair or bed..... with his arms held out. He couldn't get enough of him but he can't sit still because he might fall asleep. Dylan is so jealous of our new little grandson; Colton Bryce who weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and was 21 in. long on January 4th. But even though he is jealous you can still see the love he has already for him in this picture here:
It is so tiring chasing after Dylan and watching him act out because this new little guy has taken away some of his thunder. It seems like we are constantly having to discipline him because he is so jealous. When I think of this and how tired Cassie, my daughter, must get when no one is home to help her it makes me think of this; God looking down "thinking, that is nothing, what do you think I go through looking out after all my children?" Our God is so awesome, he is so loving, so forgiving, so powerful, that he can love us all unconditionally at the sametime. He sometimes has to Discipline us also. Deuteronomy 8:5-6 "Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the LORD your God disciplines you. Observe the commands of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and revering him." Lord help me to walk in your way and revere you so my walk will be an example to these little grandchildren you have blessed me with. Isn't he precious?
Oh, I forgot to add something about this grandma posting this is having a hard time fitting her head through the door these days. While visiting this precious bundle of joy at the hospital, I was ask if I was my daughter's sister, then when I told them no I'm her mom, they came back with you can't be you are too young to be a grandma.
They are both so cute!
Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog.
You are beautiful, and you do look too young (from your picture) to be a grandma. Thanks so much for the wonderful verse from Deuteronomy.
I have been a homeschooling mom for 11 years and have basically put everything else in my life on the back burner. That was the discipline necessary to carry out the task of homeschooling. (I am not a great multi-tasker.) The Lord is allowing me these days to begin to pursue some of those creative pursuits that He has gifted me to do, and I am so thankful. His timing is always perfect.
Blessings in 2008,
Charm & Grace Blog
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