Where has the time gone, it seems like just the other day I brought him home from the hospital and was cradling him in my arms. It seems like just yesterday that I was beside his hospital bed, when he had pneumonia at 6 weeks old. It seems just like yesterday that I was bathing my son, after he would work on cars with his daddy. It seems just like yesterday that I was teaching him how to read. Where has the time gone. It seems just like yesterday that I was watching him play t-ball, baseball, wrestle, and football. Wow, where did the time go? The next thing I knew he graduated from High School.

Now I have the privilege to hear him correct young men when they use the wrong tone, or wrong words. Just the other day my husband and I were sitting in our office and Curtis was dealing with one of the boys, at our ranch, and we heard him say, "I think you owe me a listening exercise, don't you, you didn't listen to what I told you." It sounded just like his dad, but the boys already respect him, and look up to him as a big brother. He wrestles around with them, plays games with them, and gets them to respect him. Which is exactly what has to happen here or there is nothing but chaos. It is so awesome to see him working right along side his dad in this ministry, but I'm not here to say that he will do this for the rest of his life. If he chooses to go off and do something else with his life than that is his choice. All I can say, for now, it is a time that his dad and I will never forget watching our son in ministry with us. He still hasn't found his mate yet, so this type of work may not be for her, who knows? God knows and He's the one that gave him to me 20 years ago and I thank him for my baby. By the way he is single! I'm trying to find him a good christian woman if you know of one. He is a fine looking young man if you ask me, but I'm sure I'm a little prejudice after all this is my baby!
Cathy....I was just talking to my single friend last night and asked if she would want me to see if I could fix her up with Curtis!!!!
She said "yes"!
He is a fine looking young men. And it looks like you and your husband have done a marvelous job raising him to be a man of God.
You are right-were does the time go? Our son is turning 22 this June. I still remember his first steps, his first scraped knees. Now he finished college and is working in his first real job...
Blessings on your Sunday afternoon and always...
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