Sunday, June 3, 2007


There was a huge tornado that hit down about 20 some miles from my home on Friday June 1st, there are several people not able to live in their homes, from this tornado. We are just praising and thanking God that there were only minor injuries. I have never seen anything like this before. Please pray for all the people that were affected from this torando. I am going to be selfish now and especially ask prayer for my neice, her husband and their three children ages 3, 5, and 12, who are one of the several families affected by this. Their home, garage, barn and several trees were completely destroyed. They lost everything! It is so amazing to see what a tornado can do, their belongings are strewn about fields all over about a mile and a half. My neice has been very sick over the last 3 years with a flare up with her Crohn's Disease, in and out of the hospital several times, on highest doses of prednizone possible, & pain meds, they have just found a shot that has finally got her crohn's somewhat in control and the shot cost $1,500.00 a piece and I believe she has to give herself once a week. When she first started getting these shots the insurance would not pay for these, so I'm sure you can see that they have accumulated several medical bills, and now this on top of all their medical bills. My plea of prayer is for one, that the stress this has brought on would not cause her Chrohn's Disease to flare up. Two, that they would find strength from God above, maybe even gain a personal relationship with HIM. Three, that I would be able to be an encouragement for them through this time they are going through. It is so sad to see, all of their personal belongings in heaps and scattered in a mile and a half area, but I'm so thankful that they left their home 10 minutes before this happen, (not even knowing there was a torando warning) because they would not have survived being in their basement. Please remember my neice Jennifer and her family in your prayers. Her little three year old was ask by a reporter, do you know what is going on here. She responded with, "yeah, a big tomato came through and made a big mess of our house." After you look at these pictures you can see the big mess this BIG TOMATO made of their house. Please spread this around so we can have as many prayers as possible. Thank you all for your prayers!
Please ignore dates on the pictures my camera date was messed up!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Photo Hunt ~ Art!

These are a couple rocks I painted! I love to paint but, finding the time to do it is a challenge at times. Hope you enjoy my photo Hunt and make sure you go visit other Photo Hunters over at Tnchick

Climb that "thang!"

I wrote this post back in January of 2007  and I still have those pesky bugs and the enemy is still trying to rob me of my joy on a weekly ...