Thought I would share the newsletter for the boys ranch that I just sent out. The last newsletter that was sent out in November I stated that a company backed out of a committment of triple matching a golf outing someone put on for us last June, 2006. We were suppose to receive the triple match in October and this was going to finish purchasing the cows to fill the dairy barn. The company decided to back out on this committment due to the fact that our website states that we hold bible study with the boys. This company had given already in January of 2006 to this ministry.
Here is a portion of the newsletter I just sent out on Friday. God is an Awesome God!
The last newsletter we sent out we ask you to join us in prayer and start believing that this ministry would not only receive a triple match, that would equal the $18,000.00 but God is going to double that triple match, because our God is a God who still performs miracles today, and he is going to display his power among the people. Well, we are excited to share that your prayers have been heard and MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! Since the last newsletter when I ask you to start believing to receiving, we have received the $36,000.00. Isn’t He an AWESOME God! The cows are completely paid for and $9,000.00 worth of corn is paid for to feed the cows. Our God is in the miracle business and He is using great people to help perform miracles in young men’s lives by keeping the doors of Miracles Can Happen Boys Ranch, open another year. We made it through another year and we are starting the 15th year, in 2007. We would like our thanks be made known for everyone that had a part in the miracles taking place in the year 2006 and as our Pastor put it on New Years Eve, may we hear from HEAVEN in 2007! I believe due to your prayers and support, we’ve already started to hear from HEAVEN. We are excited for what God has in store for 2007.
Testimony of 2006: Jim say’s “What is going on, why are you acting like this?” Boy says, “Okay, I’ll tell you why I’m acting like this because I don’t want to go home, I just want you and Cathy to adopt me, you are the only one’s that have ever made me do the right things. I’m scared that when I go home, somebody will lie or do something to make me mad because it’s wrong, and I will end up losing my temper.” This boy has told us several times that he feels good about himself for once. There is no way we could start to adopt the boys because it would be never ending but with your help in this ministry we can continue to bring more boys into this home and share the love of Jesus with them. Thank you for making a difference!